6 online CPD Seminar series across 3 dates presented by Dr Yoram Inspector
In this series of three consecutive seminars, on the 26/10 and the 23/11/24 and 25/01/25 we will try to explore in depth Carl Gustav Jung’s and other Post Jungian Analytical Psychologists’ approach to disorders and symptoms that are defined as psychosomatic. Following an introduction to the ancient Mind-Body problem in Philosophy, Religion, Mythology and Poetry, I will present the fields of Psycho-Dermatology, Psycho-Cardiology and Psycho-Gastroenterology through the prism of Analytical Psychology and highlight the contribution of the Synchronicity Phenomena and Jung’s Psychoid concept make to the understanding of these unique disciplines. A special place will be dedicated also to the role dream work can play in the healing process of Eating- Disorders.
Dr Yoram Inspector is a consultant Psychiatrist and Jungian Analyst recently retired as the Head of the Psychological Medicine Unit of St Mark’s Hospital, London, which provides psychological treatment and support for people who cope with various gastrointestinal diseases and disorders. He is a member of the Society of Analytical Psychology and The New Israeli Jungian Association.
Bookings are closed for this event.