Social Dreaming and the Discovery of Meaning


10 May 2025    
8:45 am - 5:00 pm


£120.00 - £150.00
Book Now


Event Type

Ali Zarbafi, Barbara March, Ruth Oreschnick

with the support of the SAP Society of Analytical Psychology


Cambridge, Jesus College

Full programme

Speaker’s biography

Are you curious about the hidden connections between your dreams and the world around you? Do you want to explore how shared unconscious experiences shape our communities and organizations?

Social Dreaming can be a powerful tool for personal and collective growth given the complexities of the world we live in. This workshop will approach dreams in the context of our shared history and culture.

There have always been cultures that use dreams in the community as a mode of survival and compass on how to navigate daily lives. These cultures assumed that a greater consciousness or guide appeared in the night to warn or help the community. They hold an awareness of this unconscious ability which is not just individual but also collective. From our Western perspective, this type of practice is a form of group orientation to uncover resources that are available internally for the tasks ahead.

Social dreaming is a method whereby the group brings dreams, associations and thoughts for a set period of time, followed by discussion. Once shared, dreams become part of the group’s process – shedding light on the experiences and meaning of the collective rather than the individual.  Chairs are placed randomly or in a star or spiral shape, so nobody is facing each other to form a matrix.

The matrix helps us discover collective themes and symbols that reveal the unconscious currents in society and gain insights into group dynamics, organizational culture, and societal trends.

This workshop will include two matrixes, a talk and discussion, and a group exercise over the course of the day. It aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of the benefits of social dreaming and to enable participants to think about practicing social dreaming in their work or professional context.

Participants require no specialist knowledge, besides curiosity, open-mindedness, and playfulness. The event is open to the general public with different backgrounds such as sociologists, writers, artists, linguists, doctors, lawyers, and students.

Travel information –

Parking: We do not offer parking on site however we are closely located to two public cark parks in Cambridge, the closest would be Park Street –  which is only a two minute walk around the corner from West Court. The second option is Grafton Street West – This is a little further, a 10-15minute walk down Maids Causeway and Jesus Lane.



Ticket Type Price Spaces
Standard Ticket- 10/05/2025
Social Dreaming and the Discovery of Meaning
SAP Members, Trainees & Students- 10/05/2025
Social Dreaming and the Discovery of Meaning

Registration Information

Booking Summary

Please select at least one space to proceed with your booking.