Please see a list of our audio and video talks below:

Carole Angier: Voyage In The Dark

Karen Armstrong: The Future of God

James Astor: Some Reflections on Reciprocity in the Supervisory Relationship 

Lynn Barnett: Everything’s Going Beserk: Talking with Young Children About Nuclear Issues

Francesco Bisagni: Love, Hate, Knowledge: Notes on Infantile States and the Transcendent Function 

Johanna Brieger: Fairy Tales in Analytics Psychology 

Geoff Brown: Borderline States, Incest and Adolescence

Jane Bunster: What To Do With Mother-An-Adolescent Girl’s Dilemma  

Richard Carvallo: Odeipus or Telechus 

Mary Coghlan: Adolescence: The Recurrent Experience (Public Lecture 4.15 February 1989)

Warren Colman: Creation and Discovery/The Self in Analysis

Ros Coward: Is Feminism Relevant To The New Millenium 

Catherine Crowther: Addictive States of Mind 

Catherine Crowther, Jayne Haynes, Kathleen Newton: Things Greater Are In Less Contained: Spinning a Web of Fairy Tales 

Catherine Crowther, Jayune Haynes, Kathleen Newton: The Psychological Use of Fairy Tales 

Don Cupitt: The Shift Away From Realism In Painting: Don Cupitt at Bishops House: Lincoln 19.7.1986 170/AC

Hazel Davis: The Persistent Matchmaker 

John Drury: Myth, Power and Politics

Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig: The Collective Background of Child Sex Abuse  

Warren Colman et al: Jungian Theories & Sexuality and Sexual Relationships 

Hugh Gee: The archetypal Themes in Uccello’s painting: St George and The Dragon 

Hugh Gee: The Oedipus Complex in Adolescence 

Rosemary Gordon: No Death, No Charge 

Rosemary Gordon, Gerald Wooster: Loss, Change, Creativity 

Esther Green: Through The Unknown Remembered Gate/ Aspects of Separation and Migration 

James Hillman: The Yellowing of the Work 

Roger Hobdell: Homes, James Joyce & Jung/ The Healer as Hero 

Verena Kast: The Clinical Use of Fairy Tales 

Thomas Kirsch: Approaching the Millenium-Analytical Psychology and Its Roots In Great Britain 

Elizabeth Urban: Fordham and The Self 

Murray Cox: Studying by a Dark Lamp: Paradox, Psychosis and Polesis 

Gordon Lawrence: Social Dreaming 

Rushi Ledermann: Interpretations: Uses and Misuses

Rushi Ledermann: Kandinski: Genius & Narcissistic Disorder 

Rushi Ledermann: Regression and Stagnation 

Georgia Lepper: Between Science and Hermeneutics: A Contemporary Approach To Interpretation 

Norah Moore: Jung and Women’s Search for Meaning 

Norah Moore: Negative Activities of the Self 

Peter Mudd: The Dark Self: Death as a Transferential Factor

Andrew Samuels, Renos K Papadopoulos: Analytical Psychology in The University 

David E Peat: Blackfoot Physics 

David E Peat: The Return of The Sacred 

Roderick Peters: Method or Mystery 

Patrick Pertroni: Archetypes or Stereotypes/ The Role of The Psychotherapists in Teamwork 

Alfred Plaut: The Shadow: This Thing of Darkness 

Sheila Powell: The Tide of Affairs of Men: Adult Development in a Transient Culture

Barry Proner: The Archetype of The Child Revisited 

Hazel Robinson: Jung, Woman, Wolves 

Andrew Samuels: The Future of Leadership 

Andrew Samuels: Original Morality in a Depressed Culture 

Donald Sandner: The Bipolar Split in Analytical Psychology 

Nathan Schwartz-Salant: Our Body Consciousness 

Nathan Schwartz-Salant: On The Subtle Body Concept in Clinical Practice 

Robert A Segal: Jungian Psychology and Ancient Gnosticism 

Mara Sidoli: The Shadow Between Parents and Children 

Mara Sidoli: Separation in Adolescence 

Jane Haynes & Hilary Mantel: Masks of The Self 

Frederico de Luca Comandini: Dream Psychology and Jungian Clinical Attitude 

David J Tracey: Remaking Men: Archetypes Masculinity and Society

Elizabeth Urban: Conversations Without Words 

Desmond Biddulph, Ven Kvokyo-Ni, Dr Ven. Vajiragnama: The Jungian Self and The Buddhist No Self 

Jan Wiener, Christopher Perr: The Mindless Body in Action 

Mary Wilson: Christmas and The Winter Solstice

Polly Young-Eisendrath: The Science of Intentions & The Intentions of Science

Louis Zinkin: On Trying to Lead a Well-Balanced Life 

Albert Friedlander: Renewal and regeneration from a Jewish perspective

Polly Young Eisendrath: Women and desire / Beyond wanting to be wanted